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Confluo Type System

Confluo uses a strictly typed system. While primitive data types like BOOL, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE and STRING are supported by default in Confluo, it is possible to add custom user-defined data types. This requires defining a few operations that would allow operations like applying filters and triggers on attributes of the custom data type.

Registering Types

To create a new type, we need to define the following properties so that native operations can be supported; these properties are summarised in the type_properties struct:

  • std::string name - A unique name for the type
  • size_t size - The size of underlying representation for fixed sized types. This should be set to zero for dynamically sized types (e.g., see definintion for STRING type).
  • void* min - This is a pointer to the minimum value that the type can hold. See type_properties.h to see examples of min assigned to primitive types.
  • void* max - This is a pointer to the maximum value that the type can hold. See type_properties.h to see examples of max assigned to primitive types.
  • void* one - This is a pointer to the step value with which the type can be incremented. See type_properties.h to see examples of one assigned to primitive types.
  • void* zero - This is a pointer to the zero value for the type. See type_properties.h to see examples of zero assigned to primitive types.
  • bool is_numeric - This indicates whether the type is numeric or not; numeric types typically support most arithmetic operators; see [arithmetic_ops.h][../libconfluo/confluo/types/arithmetic_ops.h] for examples.
  • relational_ops_t relational_ops - Stores a list of relational operator functions for the given type, so that operations like filter can work. See rel_ops.h for examples of what relational functions can be defined.
  • binary_ops_t binary_ops - Stores a list of binary arithmetic operator functions for the given type, so that operations like filter can accurately be applied to the type. Check arithmetic_ops.h for examples of binary operator functions that can be defined.
  • unary_ops_t unary_ops - Stores a list of unary arithmetic operator functions for the given type, so that operations like filter can work for the given type. Check arithmetic_ops.h for examples of unary function operators that can be defined.
  • key_op_t key_transform_op - Stores the key-transform function. This function is important for looking up attributes of the type in an index; see key_ops.h for example definitions of key_transform.
  • parse_op_t parse_op - Parses data instance from a string representation of this type. See string_ops.h for examples.
  • to_string_op_t to_stirng_op - Converts data instance of the type to its string representation. See string_ops.h for examples.
  • serialize_op_t serialize_op - Serializes the underlying data representation of the type into raw bytes; see serde_ops.h for examples.
  • deserialize_op_t deserialize_op - Reads the raw byte representation of the type and parses it to data; see serde_ops.h for examples.

Example declarations of user-defined types can be found at ip_address.h and size_type.h.

Once the properties for custom type is defined in the type_properties struct, it needs to be registered with Confluo's type manager via the type_manager::register_type interface. We can register a type as follows:

type_properties test_properties("test", sizeof(int), &limits::int_min,
                                &limits::int_max, &limits::int_one, 
                                &limits::int_one, &limits::int_zero, false,
                                get_relops(), get_unaryops(), 
                                get_keyops(), &test_type::parse_test,

Once registered, a useful symbolic reference to the data type, wrapped in a data_type object, can be obtained via the type_manager::get_type interface.

With this object, it is possible to add new columns of this type in any Atomic MultiLog. From here on out, appending records to the Atomic MultiLog, along with operations like filters and triggers, will work out of the box.

Building a Schema

We can create columns of a custom user-defined type for an Atomic MultiLog as follows:

data_type test_type = type_manager::get_type("test");
schema_builder builder;
builder.add_column(test_type, "a");
std::vector<column_t> s = builder.get_columns();

task_pool MGMT_POOL;
atomic_multilog dtable("table", s, "/tmp", storage::IN_MEMORY, MGMT_POOL);
We use the type_manager::get_type interface to get the data_type object associated with the new user-defined type. This object can then be passed into the add_column interface of the schema_builder along with the name of the column. Finally, the vector of columns can be passed into the Atomic Multilog and thus operations like filters and triggers can be performed on data of the user-defined type.

Adding Records

First create a packed struct containing all of the member data_types in a row of the schema. Be sure to include the timestamp as one of the columns. An example is as follows:

struct rec {
    int64_t ts;
    test_type a;
Then get a pointer to an instance of the struct, which is passed into the append method of the Atomic MultiLog. The following is an exmaple:
rec r = {utils::time_utils::cur_ns(), test_type()};
void* data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&r);
Here we initialize a record with the current timestamp and an instance of the test type. Then we pass a pointer to that data to the append method of the Atomic MultiLog instance.

Performing Filter Operations

After adding records containing data of the user-defined type, we can perform filter operations to select specific records. We can do so as follows:

for (auto r = dtable.execute_filter("a > 4"); !r.empty(); r = r.tail()) {
    std::cout << "A value: " << r.head().at(1).as<test_type>().get_test()
                                            << std::endl;
We assume here that 4 can be parsed as a test_type using the parse_test method. The execute_filter function is then called with an expression that selects records that satisfy the condition. This returns a stream of records which can then be read and processed.

See type_manager_test.h for examples of building user-defined types including ip address and size types.